Continuing a kingdom presence BY faithfully stewarding our building to bless ATLANTA
For the past 100 years and the next 100 years to come
our Purpose and vision
Our Gothic-Revival style church was built in 1916 and has been home to Ponce Presbyterian Church for the past 18 years. We’ve seen God work in and around the community of Midtown Atlanta and want our building to continue as a place of gospel ministry for the next 100 years. We’ve launched a capital campaign to address critical issues like building damages, as well as enhance the current functionality and atmosphere to better serve our neighborhood and city.
Ponce Presbyterian Church has had a Gospel presence in Atlanta since the 1990s and in our current location since 2006. Although we’ve been in our building just under twenty years, the structure has been standing since 1916.
We desire to have an inviting space that creates a sense of reverence and inspires worship. If we neglect investing in our building, it may deteriorate to a point of no longer allowing us to have a Kingdom presence in Midtown Atlanta.
These projects could easily represent an investment of $1M dollars or more. We will continue to identify details of the projects and determine specific timing. Based on the needs, we are seeking $800,000 to $1.2M in funding over the next three years. As funding is available, specific projects will be activated.
our historic building is 100 years old and in need of repair that if neglected, could threaten our ability to keep a kingdom presence in Midtown Atlanta. If not addressed, the building may deteriorate to a point of no longer being able to remain.
Several areas of investment in our building have been identified:
The tower has numerous structural needs including roof replacement, masonry restoration, and additional wall repair. As a part of the campaign, professional engineering evaluations will be done to evaluate the scope of this work.
Exterior fascia requires replacement or repair due to extensive weathering. The Chapel Roof needs to be replaced, and there are leaks in the Sanctuary which require attention to prevent damage to interior and exterior walls. Stucco repair and the painting of appropriate surfaces will ensure proper protection while providing a fresh and appealing presence.
There are numerous large and small holes in the beautiful stained glass. A large piece of the stained glass is a cultural portrayal of Jesus that is a barrier to effectively welcoming all in our community. We would like to repair the broken glass and replace the piece to offer a warmer welcome.
Stained Glass FAQ Page.
Our building is at a strategic intersection of the city on Piedmont Avenue between North Avenue and Ponce de Leon Avenue. We have had numerous comments over the years that neighbors thought the building was closed. New signage on both sides facing Ponce de Leon Ave and Piedmont Ave will help the community know our location and welcome.
New carpet and additional updates to several rooms will make the building more welcoming to the community and will open opportunities to serve in additional ministry activities and rental events (e.g., weddings, concerts, etc.).
The basement of the church was retrofitted to a commercial kitchen decades ago; however, much of that kitchen has been removed. There are significant modifications required such as removal of commercial freezer units and a complete remodel to create a flexible, multi-use space for education and other community uses.
commitment sunday february 25th
Commitment Sunday is marked as a the day that we will “commit” individually and as a congregation to support the Capital Campaign financially. We are asking everyone to do two things:
First, fill out the pledge card with your commitment pledge to be made over the next three years.
Second, we are asking for a one-time gift to be made to launch the Capital Campaign into action on the building.
guidance for giving
Yes, it is in addition to your regular tithe. We are praying and trusting the Lord for His provision so that we can give above our annual giving. We will be praying that the Lord will supernaturally provide beyond our means.
You will need to separate your Capital Campaign contribution from your regular tithe. If you give online, please select the appropriate Giving Fund (Capital Campaign) selection so that the amount goes towards the Capital Campaign vs. General Offering (Tithe Fund). If you tithe via check please indicate on the memo line that this is for the Capital Campaign.
Automatic checks via your bank are an easy way to do it as well. Or setup recurring on our giving page.
The scripture teaches to bring the tithe into the storehouse first. The commitment to the Capital Campaign campaign is an additional amount. (Deut. 14).
Yes, please designate your giving.
This is not a problem. You can support the campaign at any time. We also plan to share info about the campaign with those that join the Ponce Church family in the coming years. If you begin to support the campaign in future months but did not make a pledge, please be sure to indicate that your gift is towards the campaign (refer to question above on giving destination).
Pray and ask God for wisdom.
Give from a place of generosity and faith in God’s provision.
We suggest this framework to consider:
First: a portion from how God has already blessed; this could come from savings or conversion of assets (stock, real estate, etc.).
Second: giving from His abundance going forward; a portion of which God continues to provide every week or month.
Third: giving a gift from a sacrifice in your life that you are willing to make for a greater and eternal good. Is there something you can forego or postpone (e.g., streaming service, major purchase, etc.).
In principle, there is no hard-and-fast rule to frequency of giving. However, regularity in giving helps the Session & Building Committee to better discern the ‘when’ of each building project.
Commitment Sunday is the culmination of the first phase of the Capital Campaign where participants will formally indicate their financial commitment to the campaign over the next three years via a pledge card. We’ll provide the pledge cards earlier in February which you’ll turn in on Sunday, Feb 25th. We are also asking that an initial gift of your commitment be made on that Sunday to launch the Campaign into action on the building.
Ponce Church will be providing updates throughout the 3-year pledge period. Additionally, each person or family making a pledge will receive, at a minimum, an annual receipt allowing you to easily track your pledged amount against your giving to date.
Hear from Pastor Tolivar and church member Kennedy Carter as they share about the campaign and share perspective of how Ponce has shown care to our city.
Pastor Hace shares more about the campaign and church member Dusty Phillips shares his personal testimony of how Ponce has influenced him and his faith.
FAQS AND additional details
The capital campaign will begin in early 2024 with a kickoff event on January 21, 2024 and a commitment day on February 25, 2024. The goal is for 10% of commitments to be received on commitment day (2/25/24) which will enable activation of some campaign projects. The remaining amounts are to be received by the end of 2026.
Based on the needs, we are seeking $800k to $1.2m in funding over the next three years. This funding may come from internal and external sources. We are casting the net wide including connecting with Ponce Presbyterian alumni, pursuing possible foundations and grants, and connecting with those that share our vision for ministry. If you have creative ideas or potential external connections, please feel free to reach out to our Major Gifts team led by Adam Snow or contact a church leader.
As funding becomes available, projects will be initiated. Ponce Presbyterian Church does not plan to incur any debt obligations to advance the capital projects. Smaller projects such as interior or stained glass may be completed first in 2024 with larger projects such as the tower beginning later.
Projects will be prioritized by our building committee, led by Aaron Eide, in collaboration with church leadership.
The campaign will have regular communications through normal channels such as announcements, emails, and newsletters. The campaign has a Follow-Up Team led by Tyler Smith. If you wish to participate in this team, please contact Tyler.
You can give via normal giving channels with a designation to the campaign on a one-time or scheduled basis. We ask that you indicate your level of commitment for planning purposes. More details will be communicated. If you would like to participate through donation of other assets, please contact our Major Gifts team led by Adam Snow or contact a church leader.
Regular giving information will be provided similar to our church giving statements. More information will be provided by the Follow-Up Team.