Find A Community Group

Every Community Group is different. Whether sharing a meal or doing a book study, the main goal is life together. Community Groups promote serving, encouragement, and prayer.  

As a church seeking to bring the good news of the Kingdom of God to our diverse city, we gather on Sunday mornings to come before God in worship where he meets with and renews us, and then sends us back into the places where we live, work, and play to serve and glorify him in all that we do. 

Community Groups are one of the ways that we hope to come alongside one another as we seek to grow in our identity as citizens of heaven for the glory of God and the good of our city. Every Community Group is different. Whether sharing a meal or doing a book study, the main goal is life together. Community Groups promote serving, encouragement, and prayer.



Brookhaven/Tucker* | Hunter Duke

East Atlanta* | Winfield Tufts

East Cobb* | Laura Smith

Midtown | Phillip Ellen

Northwest Atlanta* | Charlton Hughes

South Decatur* | Andrew Stewart

South Side* | Aaron Eide

Virginia Highlands | Pat Pickren

*cc means child friendly



Civic Center | Tristan Admiral

Old Fourth Ward | Rachael Panik

Krog Street | Matthew Horne

Westside | Macy Schell