Text: Song of Songs 5:2-7:10
Title: "The Healing Power of Desire"
The Consummation of Desire
Text: Song of Songs 3:6–5:1
Title: "The Consummation of Desire"
The Fragility and Redemption of Desire
Text: Song Of Songs 3:1-5
Title: The Fragility and Redemption of Desire”
The Courtship of Desire
Title: “The Courtship of Desire”
Text: Songs Of Songs 2:8-17
Rahab: Unexpected Grace
Title: “Rahab: Unexpected Grace”
Text: Joshua 2:2-21
The Eternal Song of Love: The Arising of Desire, Part 2
Title: “The Eternal Song of Love: The Arising of Desire, Part 2”
Text: Song of Solomon 1:2-2:7
The Eternal Song of Love: The Arising of Desire, Part 1
Text: Song of Solomon 1:2-2:7
Title: "The Eternal Song of Love: The Arising of Desire, Part 1"
The Eternal Song of Love
Text: Song of Solomon 1:1
Title: "The Eternal Song of Love"
Entrusting Your Bodies to Christ
Title: “Entrusting Your Bodies to Christ“
Text: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Aligning to the Heart of God: Money to the Glory of God
Text: Exodus 11:1-3; 35:4-29
Title: “Aligning to the Heart of God: Money to the Glory of God”
Aligned to the Heart of the King, Part 3: Numbering our Days (No Audio Available)
Text: Psalm 90
Title: "Aligned to the Heart of the King, Part 3: Numbering our Days”
Aligned to the Heart of a Good King, Part 2: Speaking with the Mind of the King
Text: 2 Corinthians 10:1-6
Title: "Aligned to the Heart of a Good King, Part 2: Speaking with the Mind of the King”
Aligned to the Heart of A Good King, Part 1: A Response To Mercy
Title: “Aligned to the Heart of A Good King, Part 1: A Response To Mercy “
Text: Romans 12:1-2
Good News To The Shepherds and To Me and To You
Title: “Good News To The Shepherds and To Me and To You”
Text: Luke 2:8-21
Our King's Arrival
Guest Speaker: Mike Rasmussen
Title: “Our King's Arrival”
Text: Luke 1:26-38
Met By God in the Silence, Part 2: God's Silence and Ours(No Audio Available)
Title: "Met By God in the Silence, Part 2: God's Silence and Ours"
Text: Luke 1:5:25, 68-72
Met by God in the Silence, Part 1 (No Audio Available)
Title: “Met by God in the Silence, Part 1“
Text: Psalm 38
Dress For Success (or, To Be On Mission With Jesus)
Title: "Dress For Success (or, To Be On Mission With Jesus)"
Text: Colossians 4:2-18
The Head of the Body (and the Household)
Title: “The Head of the Body (and the Household)”
Text: Colossians 3:18-4:1
Leaving Your Old Clothes Outside The Wardrobe, Part 3: Check Out Your New Wardrobe Catalogue
Title: Leaving Your Old Clothes Outside The Wardrobe, Part 3: Check Out Your New Wardrobe Catalogue
Text: Colossians 3:12-17