Text: Ecclesiastes 2:18-26, 3:9-13, 5:18-20
Title: “Summer Under the Sun: The Gift of Joyful Toil”
Text: Ecclesiastes 2:18-26, 3:9-13, 5:18-20
Title: “Summer Under the Sun: The Gift of Joyful Toil”
Text: Ecclesiastes 5:8-20
Title: “Summer Under the Sun: Identity”
Text: Ecclesiastes 4:7-16
Title: "Summer Under the Sun: God's Pick-Me-Up"
Title: “Summer Under the Sun: “Looking for the Silver Lining”
Text: Ecclesiastes 4
Title: “Summer under the Sun: Living Beyond Time”
Text: Ecclesiastes 3
Title: “Summer under the Sun: Wisdom in Ecclesiastes”
Text: Ecclesiastes 1:1 - 2:26 (NIV)
Title: "The Gospel of John: What if God Was Among Us?"
Title: John 1:1-3, 14-18; 12:27-50; 20:30-31
Title: “Matthew: A Spiritual Heritage for Disciples of Christ“
Text: Matthew 1:1-17
Title: “A Kingdom of Subversive Suffering Servants”
Text: Mark 2:15-17; 4:1-2, 10-12; 8:31-9:8, 33-35; 11:12-14; 13:1b-2, 4-7, 9-10, 28-33; 16:15-20
Title: “Encounters with Jesus: Expected and Unexpected Redeemer”
Text: Luke 1:67–75, Luke 2:25–32, Luke: 2-44-49
Title: “Unexpected Encounters with Jesus”
Text: Luke 24:13-35 |
Title: “The Fruit of Love”
Text: Song of Songs: 8:5-14
Speaker: Tolivar Wills
Title: “Sustaining Desire“
Text: Song of Songs 7:11-8:4
Title: “Bringing Jesus Up, Bringing Jesus Down“
OT: Genesis 28:10-18
NT: Ephesians 1:3-4, 7-10, 15-23
Title: “Following The Real King“
Text: 2 Corinthians 11:16-33
Text: Song of Songs 5:2-7:10
Title: "The Healing Power of Desire"
Text: Song of Songs 3:6–5:1
Title: "The Consummation of Desire"
Text: Song Of Songs 3:1-5
Title: The Fragility and Redemption of Desire”
Title: “The Courtship of Desire”
Text: Songs Of Songs 2:8-17
Title: “Rahab: Unexpected Grace”
Text: Joshua 2:2-21